Saturday, May 10, 2008

CG Support from Mosman Council

Denise Wilton, Mayor of Mosman was first contacted about the community garden a couple of years ago. Mayor Wilton looked into the idea and found it difficult to locate a site for the project.

"A problem, as we do not have large open spaces available," she said.

Boronia House is a council owned heritage site. It is centrally located and accessible by public transport. The Mayor and Lyn have agreed that it is a good start and the Plan of Management for Boronia House will go before Mosman Council on Tuesday 3 June 2008. If the Councillors vote for inclusion of a community garden at the meeeting, the project will be underway.

"We will have to provide the space and a meeting place and publicity. I expect our staff will be supportive and involved in setting up and guiding the group. I expect council will help financially to get it off to a start with plants, equipment and staff support. As mayor, I will be supporting it, promoting it and seeking other areas which might become neighbourhoodcommunal gardens," said the Mayor.

The management and maintenance of the garden will be left up to the community.

"There will be community conversation about the best way to manage it. Will people be allocated a small plot for their own use? Will people work as a group? What will be grown? What happens to any produce?," said Mayor Wilton.

Mayor Wilton said these kinds of community projects are important because they bring people toghether and promote pride in the local area.

"It shows by example what can be grown in your own garden such as fruit and vegetables as we face climate change and increased cost of fresh produce," she said.

Mayor Wilton said she hopes the project will appeal to people of all ages in the community.

"I would love to see famillies working toghether. Also people on their own will benefit from social contact through a shared goal. Spin-offs can be barbeques using some of the produce, social activities, sense of pride and ownership of the project. I hope for support from the Mosman Gardeners but also the wider community," she said.

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